While in Sorrento for a few days, Andy and I paid a visit to the acclaimed Peninsula Hot Springs, in Fingal (Rye), Victoria. Set amid rolling farm land, the tranquil hot springs and day spa is the ideal place to go to relax and recharge – alone or with friends.

The view from the Hilltop Pool

The view from the Hilltop Pool

The healing powers of hot springs have been used for thousands of years and are widely accepted in Europe, Japan and Korea as natural treatment options for various common ailments. As a runner, I often get tired and sore legs and muscles, and really enjoy soaking in a hot bath with magnesium powder such as Epsom salts. The magnesium and sulfate found in Epsom salts helps reduce inflammation and improves the absorbtion of nutrients, as well as helping the body flush toxins. I also find a hot bath a great stress relief after a long day at work. Therefore, I was really looking forward to testing out the hot springs to see how my body felt afterwards.

Opened in 2005, the hot springs feature natural thermal mineral waters that flow into the pools and private baths from an underground aquifer 637 metres below the surface.

The tranquil Peninsula Hot Springs

The tranquil Peninsula Hot Springs

There are two options available for bathers – the Bath House and the Spa Dreaming Centre. As school holidays had finished and there were fewer children around, we opted for the Bath House. It costs $35 per person excluding towel and locker hire.

Here were dipped in and out of more than 20 different pools and bathing experiences including a painful but energising reflexology walk, cave pool, turkish steam bath (Hamam), sauna, hydrotherapy pool, freezing plunge pools and the breathtaking hilltop pool, offering gorgeous 360 views of the surrounding countryside.

Testing out the reflexology walk

Testing out the reflexology walk

The Hilltop Pool

The Hilltop Pool at the Peninsula Hot Springs

The hot spring pools vary in termperarure from 37 to 43 degrees celcius. I personally preferred the hotter ones, though I couldn’t stay in there for too long as I got quite thirsty. If you’re planning on going, make sure you take your own towel and water bottle to save money. Oh, and make sure you take sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

We spent around three hours at the hot springs, but you could definitely go for longer. Besides having wrinkly skin, I came away feeling happy, relaxed and my body felt great. If you’re visiting the Morning Peninsula, be sure to add the Peninsula Hot Springs to your things to do list. You won’t regret it!

Peninsula Hot Spring lake

Peninsula Hot Spring lake

Benefits of bathing in mineral hot springs 

Mineral hot springs can soothe the body, mind and soul in a number of ways:

  • Bathing in bicarbonate water assists in opening peripheral blood vessels, improving circulation to the body’s extremities and potentially helping to address hypertension and mild atherosclerosis.
  • Mineral springs naturally rich in chlorides, in amounts between 0.5 to 3%, are considered by some researchers to be beneficial for rheumatic conditions, arthritis, central nervous system conditions, post-traumatic and post-operative disorders.
  • Magnesium converts blood sugar to energy and promotes healthy skin.
  • Sodium and natural salts assist with the alleviation of arthritic symptoms and may stimulate the body’s lymphatic system when used in baths.
  • Reduces stress and promotes sleep
  • Mineral-rich hot-spring water can help to naturally relieve certain skin conditions. The high silica content found in hot springs can smooth and soften dry, rough skin. Similarly, the medicinal properties of the water’s sulfur content can relieve uncomfortable eczema and psoriasis symptoms.
Enjoying the sunshine and the gorgeous surroundings

Enjoying the sunshine and the gorgeous surroundings