How to keep your running streak going
Lacking motivation to keep running? Here’s how to keep the good times rolling

Have you got a race coming up but find yourself struggling to go for a run or to tick off a training session at the gym? Don’t sweat it – it’s completely normal. Most runners experience periods where their motivation wanes and it can be a struggle to train. Factors such as over-training, stress, recovering from sickness and poor weather can sap your energy levels and desire to workout.
TODAY Show presenter and ambassador for the world’s largest fun run, The Sun Herald City2Surf, Tom Steinfort, is finding his feet balancing training for next month’s race with exhausting 3:45am wake up calls.
A realist when it comes to health and fitness, Steinfort admits that finding time to train for the iconic event amongst his work and life commitments is easier said than done.
“Most days I’ll be out of the office by 11am and what the rest of the day looks like depends on whether my body wants to go into jet lag mode (couch and naps and chocolate) or normal human mode (gym and research for work and life admin),” says Steinfort.
“My trick is to go straight to the gym after work, otherwise that tempting mistress called procrastination wreaks havoc and I just never get there.”
Steinfort is no novice when it comes to running. He’s completed the New York Marathon, regularly runs between six and 10 kilometres when in training mode and is running his second City2Surf this year. He says keeping moving is key to maintaining your training.
“Just get out the door,” says Steinfort. “That first move is always the hardest. After that, make sure you eat well, sleep well and don’t drink alcohol on school nights. Imagine the euphoria when you hit the finish line on your next run….and how good that first beer and burger will be afterwards,” adds Steinfort.
If you still need more of an incentive to keep your running streak going then why not treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes? Heading out for a run in a springy, speedy pair of trainers is one sure fire way to reignite your love of the sport.