
Trail run from Jan Juc to Torquay

Trail run from Jan Juc to Torquay

Living in inner city Melbourne means I mostly run on footpath or dirt track. It can get a little boring running the same route over and over again, which is why I really enjoy trail running. Recently we spent a weekend in Jan Juc - a few minutes drive from Australia's...

Five tips for choosing the right running partner

Five tips for choosing the right running partner

I really enjoy running on my own, but sometimes my long, lonely runs leave me wishing I was sharing the footpath with a running pal. Someone I could chat to as we pound the pavement or push me when I feel like slowing down. Training partners are more than just a...

How to return to running after being sick

How to return to running after being sick

Running after you’ve been sick Last week I was horizontal. My body ached, my glands were up, I had the chills and my stomach was doing cartwheels. I’d just got back from a one-month honeymoon in Costa Rica and I should have been raving about it. Instead I was so...

Outrun the sun

Outrun the sun

As the weather warms up, it's tempting to make the most of the summer rays and go for a run in the sun. I'll admit that it feels good to have the sun kiss your face, and I'd be lying if I said I don't like seeing a sock and running short tan line on my normally...

Clifftop running

Clifftop running

On the weekend Andy and I spent three nights in Sorrento, Victora. We were there for a friend's wedding and a little minimoon following our wedding on 2 October. I'd only ever passed through Sorrento, but I can see its attraction. It's a town steeped in history and it...