
Everything I’ve ever written on running is here

If you can’t find what your looking for, please send me an email and I’ll write about it.

Learning to love hill running

Learning to love hill running

Despite my last name being Hill, until recently I loathed hill running. I really didn't look forward to running up hill and down dale. But yesterday I completed the  Great Ocean Road half marathon in a personal best time of 1:56 for the 23kms. Unlike previous middle...

What to do when you hit the running wall

What to do when you hit the running wall

Despite the best laid plans, a smooth training program, adequate hydration, carb loading and a restful night's sleep; sometimes you will feel terrible when you go for a run. That happened to me last week. I was meant to run 15 km but as soon as I started running, I...

Perfecting the lunch break run

Perfecting the lunch break run

I don’t know about you, but some days I have the best intentions to go for a run on my lunch break, only to end up sitting at my desk catching up on reading while eating my lunch. So recently I’ve been trialling different ways to help me make this aspiration a...

Gluten free banana muffins

Gluten free banana muffins

I really enjoy a good old fashioned banana muffin. But as someone who avoids wheat because it gives me an upset stomach, it's often hard to find a gluten-free alternative. Unlike my mum (who makes the BEST scones), I'm not much of a baker - but I do give it a go every...

Should you listen to music when you run?

Should you listen to music when you run?

This wasn’t an easy blog for me to write because up until recently I always listened to music while running. For years, I was one of those people who couldn’t leave the house for a run without my iPod. I spent hours updating playlists before important runs, and I...

Running for a cause – Walk in Her Shoes

Running for a cause – Walk in Her Shoes

Although I don't work for CARE Australia any more that doesn't mean I don't care about women, girls and their communities overseas. Each year there are hundreds of fundraising challenges that I could support, but none mean as much to me as Walk in Her Shoes. Why?...

Trail run from Jan Juc to Torquay

Trail run from Jan Juc to Torquay

Living in inner city Melbourne means I mostly run on footpath or dirt track. It can get a little boring running the same route over and over again, which is why I really enjoy trail running. Recently we spent a weekend in Jan Juc - a few minutes drive from Australia's...

Five tips for choosing the right running partner

Five tips for choosing the right running partner

I really enjoy running on my own, but sometimes my long, lonely runs leave me wishing I was sharing the footpath with a running pal. Someone I could chat to as we pound the pavement or push me when I feel like slowing down. Training partners are more than just a...

How to return to running after being sick

How to return to running after being sick

Running after you’ve been sick Last week I was horizontal. My body ached, my glands were up, I had the chills and my stomach was doing cartwheels. I’d just got back from a one-month honeymoon in Costa Rica and I should have been raving about it. Instead I was so...

Outrun the sun

Outrun the sun

As the weather warms up, it's tempting to make the most of the summer rays and go for a run in the sun. I'll admit that it feels good to have the sun kiss your face, and I'd be lying if I said I don't like seeing a sock and running short tan line on my normally...

Raw Bliss Balls

Raw Bliss Balls

You know that feeling when you're craving something sweet and chocolatey like a square of Lindt salted caramel dark chocolate (yes that's my weakness!), but you don't want to eat junk, especially when you've been working hard to keep fit and healthy? Well I have the...

Spicy Guacamole

Spicy Guacamole

I love avocados. They are such a yummy and versatile fruit. I use them in salads, sandwiches, smoothies, desserts, and as the main ingredient in my delicious and healthy spicy guacamole. Avocados are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, and are jam-packed...

Top 10 inspirational running quotes

Top 10 inspirational running quotes

Struggling for motivation? We all need a little pep-up from time to time. Here are 10 of my favourite running quotes.                  

Being the new kid on the block

Being the new kid on the block

I've started a new job. People say I've crossed over to the dark side, but I don't think so. After four years working in media, communications, brand and campaign roles at CARE Australia, I've moved into a corporate affairs strategy role at NAB - one of Australia's...

How to bathe like a boss

How to bathe like a boss

While in Sorrento for a few days, Andy and I paid a visit to the acclaimed Peninsula Hot Springs, in Fingal (Rye), Victoria. Set amid rolling farm land, the tranquil hot springs and day spa is the ideal place to go to relax and recharge - alone or with friends. The...

Clifftop running

Clifftop running

On the weekend Andy and I spent three nights in Sorrento, Victora. We were there for a friend's wedding and a little minimoon following our wedding on 2 October. I'd only ever passed through Sorrento, but I can see its attraction. It's a town steeped in history and it...

Hakuna matata – Mt Kilimanjaro Photo Diary

Hakuna matata – Mt Kilimanjaro Photo Diary

Ever since I was a young girl, I've dreamt of travelling to Africa to see its beauty. I never thought it would happen, but then a few years ago I landed a dream job at CARE Australia. The international aid organisation delivers life-changing aid to people from poor...